Happy Heart Garland

There have been lots of ups and downs this week, but I can’t put my finger on exactly what they’ve been. My daughter just took her first steps four days ago and now she’s running from room to room, turning on an absolute dime.  She’s just amazing.  Little people frequently are.  The lows are probably just a response to all the miraculous highs this little girl has been giving me, but that doesn’t make them much easier to swallow.  The great love of motherhood comes with great stress.  But you know what always makes me feel happy? Wool! Yes and the more colorful the better!  So what have I done to brighten my mood? Well, I’ve whipped up a happy little heart garland to look at.


Heart patterns are here at Pattern Paradise and here at the Felted Button.  The middle heart started out from a pattern that turned out to be vague and confusing so I winged it and I think I like it!  Yarn is leftover from a bright shawl I made last spring.  Perhaps I’ll share some photos of that tomorrow!  In the mean time, get crafty, people. And don’t forget to celebrate Galentine’s Day tomorrow.  My amazing lady-friend over at Tales ‘nTeacups already sent me the best Galentine’s Day card ever.  That was certainly one of my highs this week.

Oh, P.S.  Wool Pickle now has an Instagram!

Sweetheart Toddler Cowl


Here she is! Just in time to celebrate Valentine’s Day I bring you a cute new crochet pattern.  Puff stitch hearts bring some joy and sweetness to this little cowl to keep your loved one warm.  You can purchase this pattern on Etsy or Ravelry.  I’m so excited to be sharing this pattern with you and I hope you enjoy making it as much as I have!  Please share your photos with me on Ravelry or Instagram if you decide to make one for yourselves.  Oh, yes, the cowl can be worn by adults too and options for sizing up are given in my pattern!SONY DSC SONY DSC SONY DSC SONY DSC SONY DSCSONY DSC SONY DSCThank you so much for reading.  See you all soon!

Sugar Cookie Scarf


This project has literally been in the works for over a year, I’m embarrassed to admit.  It all started with a snowflake sugar cookie scarf (I’ll try and post some throwback photos of that tomorrow Photos are up and can be found here).  A friend of mine saw the scarf and asked me to make a smaller version for her daughter.  I was 7 or 8 months pregnant at the time and had all sorts of time on my hands but I had also severely over-booked myself in the crocheting department.  I had sweaters and hats and soakers to finish for my wee bundle of love who would be making her appearance in January!  So I put it off, then picked it up again deciding I would make it pink in time for Valentine’s Day.  Then it was lost again. Then found. Then abandoned. SONY DSC SONY DSC

I don’t know why this project gave me such a tough time.  I think part of it had to do with the fact that I was writing the pattern as I went but never actually put pen to paper.  So each time I lost the bloody thing I would forget what my pattern had been!  And then there were the beads that needed sewing, and the pieces that needed connecting, and the parts that needed assembling.  Eventually I finished all the pieces then stuffed them in a ziplock bag where they sat, waiting to be sewn together. For months.  And months.SONY DSC SONY DSC

Life came at me hard this year and it has taken a long time to come to terms with it.  During the first few months of my daughter’s life I struggled hard with my identity as a Stay-At-Home-Mom (and I still sometimes do).  I’ve always had a job and an income since college and it’s been hard to give that up.  That is so hard to admit, that I sometimes miss working.  There are days where I’m embarrassed that I’m not enjoying staying home with my daughter one hundred percent of the time.  But I think it’s normal.  And I do acknowledge that I’m extremely lucky to be able to give my daughter this gift of my full attention.  And that I have the time and we have the disposable income for me to pursue my yarny ambitions.   I’ve got a support network of amazing women and a group where I can volunteer and do some tangible good in the world.  I’m extremely fortunate.  But I might need to get a bit better at not overbooking myself.SONY DSC SONY DSCThe yarn used is mostly Red Heart Super Saver and Love.  Assorted, label-less colors and beads from my stash.  The pattern, like I said, is one I made up on the fly and probably changed every time I sat down to work on it.  If you want some excellent sugar cookie crochet inspiration, I’d go check out Twinkie Chan’s blog. In fact, I think I’m headed there now.  I might need some cheeseburger handwarmers in my life actually…