Bonjour Baby Cowl in Debblie Bliss Eco Baby

I recently published my first crochet pattern (which I am still so excited about!) and today I’d like to share a variation on that pattern that I think is very pleasing.  This was actually my prototype so you may notice a couple of inconsistencies if you’ve taken a look at the pattern I wrote. This yarn is just too luxurious and wonderful not to share, however.  And I scored it for practically a song at one of my local yarn shops. I just love when that happens!  And it’s a fair trade product which is just good for the soul, is it not?

Since Eco Baby is a sport weight yarn as opposed to the aran weight (Red Heart Soft) I used in my pattern it gives a much lacier and lighter look to the cowl.  The drape is also a bit different and looks quite glamorous, I think.  The cowl in these photos was made with one ball of Eco Baby (hence why I had to omit the final row of bobbles, I ran out of yarn!) and is based on an original chain of 81 (as opposed to 71).  I just love the way this pattern looks in sport weight and I’m thinking I’ll need to whip one up in every color to match all my girl’s outfits.  Well, enough chit chat about it, let’s see the photos!


7 thoughts on “Bonjour Baby Cowl in Debblie Bliss Eco Baby

  1. That is so gorgeous, I love the soft drape to it. why is all the lovely yarn so expensive!! I rarely see any really lovely yarn on sale! I may have to try making an adult sized one. (When I’ve finished all the other projects that are half started or on my to do list!! Please keep the patterns coming!

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    1. There is such a difference between the cheap stuff and the nice stuff, isn’t there? I seem to be having a string of good luck when it comes to finding nice sale yarn lately!
      I’m actually thinking of writing an adult version of this cowl in for spring. I’m so glad you enjoy it!

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